Roll To The Top

Roll, Write, and Race To The Top of Famous Landmarks

Do You Push Your Luck, Or Play More Patiently? Let's Roll!

A roll and write where everyone uses the same dice every turn! Try to fill your landmark first, with bigger and bigger numbers as you go up. Each turn, ask yourself: do you take these dice, or wait until a better number gets rolled? Let's Roll To The Top!

Roll, Write, and Race To The Top of Famous Landmarks

Do You Push Your Luck, Or Play More Patiently? Let's Roll!

A roll and write where everyone uses the same dice every turn! Try to fill your landmark first, with bigger and bigger numbers as you go up. Each turn, ask yourself: do you take these dice, or wait until a better number gets rolled? Let's Roll To The Top!

Take on the role of a young artist going on a once-in-a-lifetime journey around the world. Travel to incredible landmarks all over the globe - from the Pyramids of Giza to the Matterhorn.

Compete on a series of dry-erase roll and write boards. Each one represents one of the exciting stops on this world-wide journey. Try to be the first player to fill in all the boxes and make it to the top!

All players pull from the same pool of numbers. Make the difficult decision to use singular dice, add them together, or pass. Each location will bring with it a series of unique rules, mixing up play and adding to the challenge.

Which Path Will You Take?

The Strategy

Keep an eye on your opponents.

If someone’s being aggressive and choosing large numbers early, you may want to try and keep up. Alternatively, you may want to bide your time and choose small numbers to try and steal some turns back. Don’t forget that you can manipulate the dice pool to try and push your advantage!

Study your map.

There may be helpful spots on the map where you have easy places to “dump” large numbers. These spots usually don't have many spots above that depend on them.

Use some table talk.

A good push-your-luck game always has a little egging on to keep the dice flying!

A quick overview

How to Play

Pick a Landmark Board

All players use identical landmark boards.

Roll Dice

Each turn, roll the dice. The same result will be used by all players.

Write Numbers

Choose what numbers you to write on your board. As you go up you must use larger numbers than the box below. You are allowed to use as many or as few of the dice as you want. You can also choose to add dice together.

Push Your Luck

How aggressive will you be? Will you fill in more spaces even if the number are are higher than you'd like? Or will you play slower, only using the small numbers, so that you have more flexibility in future turns?

Swap Dice

For the next turn, the active player will get to choose a die to add or remove. This effect what kind of number might get rolled. There's some subtle strategy here.

Race to the Top

The first player to fill all the spaces on their monument wins!

27.432 × 17.272 × 6.985 cm
723 g
Gameplay Duration
Number of Players
Suggested Age
3 Travel Envelopes, Each With 6 Double-Sided Travel Boards And 1 Postcard
6 Dry Erase Markers
5 Exploration Dice: D4, D6, D8, D12, D20
1 Action Die