Quick and tasty! In Pies, you have three rounds to collect combinations of fruit cards to make the tastiest pies. Every round, every player plays a card into the trick. Then, players draft from the cards played in descending order (highest card gets first dibs). If you're the last player to draft, you also get a plum card.

Great Pies Need Great Ingredients!

Use Trick-Taking To Get The Best Fruit. Careful, There Are Incentives To Play Low Or Go For Special Actions!

Quick and tasty! In Pies, you have three rounds to collect combinations of fruit cards to make the tastiest pies. Every round, every player plays a card into the trick. Then, players draft from the cards played in descending order (highest card gets first dibs). If you're the last player to draft, you also get a plum card.

Will you play high and snag a card you've been looking for? Or, will you try and aim low, bolstering your inventory of plums? Will your opponents allow either strategy?

Special actions on specific cards further complicate the decisions!

Make the most delicious pie mixes to win the game!


Baking Lessons:


Use The Turn Order To Your Advantage

Often, going last gives you an advantage. You have the most information–look at the state of the table and decide if you need to win the trick, play low, or go somewhere in the middle. Don’t forget–winning the trick causes you to be the new lead player!

Use Table Talk To Figure Out The Value Of Cards

The economics of Pies happens fast! Pay attention to what your fellow bakers are picking up. Add a little table talk to suss out what players are going for!

Don’t Sleep On The Special Actions

It can be easy to focus on creating your pies (set collection). Don’t ignore the power of stealing cards or picking up the dog (which protects your pies!).


How To Play

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1. Play A Card

Don’t worry about suits or trump cards. Pies is all about the numbers!

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2. In Descending Order, Draft Cards Played

If you go last, grab a plum card. These can be used like any other fruit!

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3. Resolve Special Actions

Use pie tokens to add 3.14 to ties. Or, take the dog to protect your pies!

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4. Make Pies With Your Cards

Most pie points wins!

12 × 12 × 5 cm
400 g
Gameplay Duration
Number of Players
Suggested Age
- 93 Fruit Cards (25 Round 1, 25 Round 2, 25 Round 3, 18 Plum)
- 9 Pie (Pi) Tokens
- 5 Player Order Tokens
- 1 Dog Card