Nice Buns

WELCOME TO THE NICE BUNS BUFFETCollect three sets of bao buns to win the game. Just watch out for the fish-head buns which can ruin your meal.ROLL THE DICE, MAKE A DEALThe key to getting the best buns is by rolling the dice and making your fellow diners an offer they can’t refuse.IT’S FLUFFY LIGHT!Grabbing the buns you need is simple once you know how. Kids, families and friends will all love a trip to the Nice Buns Buffet.

WELCOME TO THE NICE BUNS BUFFETCollect three sets of bao buns to win the game. Just watch out for the fish-head buns which can ruin your meal.ROLL THE DICE, MAKE A DEALThe key to getting the best buns is by rolling the dice and making your fellow diners an offer they can’t refuse.IT’S FLUFFY LIGHT!Grabbing the buns you need is simple once you know how. Kids, families and friends will all love a trip to the Nice Buns Buffet.

270 × 240 × 65 mm
770 g


115 bao buns7 cardboard sheets3 dice1 steamer1 scoresheet