Colt Express: Couriers and Armored Train

Colt Express: Couriers and Armored Train
The Colt Express: Couriers & Armored Train expansion brings a breath of fresh air to the 2015 Spiel des Jahres-winning Colt Express. Players now work together as teams to try to become the wealthiest bandits in the Wild West, and what's better than a second train containing precious documents to spice up the adventure?

The Colt Express: Couriers & Armored Train expansion brings a breath of fresh air to the 2015 Spiel des Jahres-winning Colt Express. Players now work together as teams to try to become the wealthiest bandits in the Wild West, and what's better than a second train containing precious documents to spice up the adventure? As soon as they hear this, our famous bandits do not hesitate for a second, jumping from train to train to try to steal these documents on top of everything else up for grabs — but the shotguns roam wild and the Gatling on the roof does not bode well. On top of everything else, bandits have to be back on the starting train at the end of the last round if they want a chance to win.

This expansion introduces a new 3D train with special cars, two new bandits (Misty and the Twinz, each with new powers), a double team mode with the possibility of betraying your team or not, and an AI Bandit, Il Professore, to allow you to play with an odd number of players and a new action card to nudge a bandit from your team.

305 × 305 × 70 mm
1,120 g
Gameplay Duration
Number of Players
Suggested Age
- The Armored Train
- 21 Round Cards
- 9 Nudge Cards
- 10 Neutral Bullet Cards
- 5 Bags Tokens
- 2 Purses Tokens
- 1 Strongbox Token
- 3 Golden Nugget Tokens
- 3 Secret Documents Tokens
- 26 Il Professore Cards
- 2 x 23 Bandit Cards
- 2 Bandit Pawns
- 1 Character Sheet
- 1 Horse Pawn (can only be used with the Horses & Stagecoach expansion)