Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck

Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck

The Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck is a collection of 66 monster cards that enhance your Call of Cthulhu gaming experience. What's InsideLike the other Call of Cthulhu Keeper Decks, this decks provide new layers to plots, enhance the story, and provide quick access to an array of fiendish foes.A Plethora Of Mythos FiendsOver 60 monsters detailed in the Malleus Monstrorum are presented here on their own individual cards, with all relevant game information on one side, and evocative artwork on the other.

The Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck is a collection of 66 monster cards that enhance your Call of Cthulhu gaming experience. What's InsideLike the other Call of Cthulhu Keeper Decks, this decks provide new layers to plots, enhance the story, and provide quick access to an array of fiendish foes.A Plethora Of Mythos FiendsOver 60 monsters detailed in the Malleus Monstrorum are presented here on their own individual cards, with all relevant game information on one side, and evocative artwork on the other. Use the cards for quick-reference during your games, and as a handy image to show your players exactly what their investigators are facing!A Pile of Scenario SeedsUse the deck to inspire your own tales of Call of Cthulhu! Shuffle up and draw a card—then work that monster into your next story! Alternatively, you could introduce a mysterious portal, tome, or enemy, where the monster produced is completely random! Additionally, this deck includes several blank cards for you to fill with forbidden monsters of your own creation.

150 × 90 × 25 mm
300 g

