Bacon is a fixed-partnership climbing game for 4 or 6 players that is all about going out early as a team. The only team that scores is the team that goes out first. That said, their score depends on when their partner also goes out (more points if the partner goes out quickly). If your team does NOT go out first, your job is simple: make the other team go out as late as possible!

This Game is Sizzling!

Play Your Hand Before Your Opponents, And Help Your Partner Do The Same

Bacon is a fixed-partnership climbing game for 4 or 6 players that is all about going out early as a team. The only team that scores is the team that goes out first. That said, their score depends on when their partner also goes out (more points if the partner goes out quickly). If your team does NOT go out first, your job is simple: make the other team go out as late as possible!

Players place down combos (such as runs or three-of-a-kind) or “specials.” Combos have to follow the lead combo. Specials (like straight flushes or hexes) are harder to create, but don’t have to follow the previous hands.



Breakfast Is a Team Game

Bacon is all about manipulating your cards. Create powerful combos or specials that your opponents will have difficulty following. Be careful! You don’t want to make your teammate pass too!

Specials do not have to follow the lead combo type. Consider holding onto one so that you can always play something.

Advanced players will keep track of what’s been played as well as understand the amount of bacon cards left in players’ hands to make their plans.


How To Play

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1. Choose the best combination of cards to play

Don’t forget to consider your bacon cards!

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2. Bacon is Wild!

Bacon cards can represent any cards between 1 and the highest rank in the game +1.

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3. Empty your hand as fast possible

Who will have the best strategy?

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4. Help your partner empty their hand too

Be careful of leaving your partner in the dust!

12 × 12 × 5 cm
250 g
Gameplay Duration
Number of Players
Suggested Age
- 80 Cards
- 12 Bacon Cards
- 45 Bacon Tokens
- 6 Player Aid Cards
- 16 Player Rank Tokens